Friday, December 7, 2007

... Major ice storm possible late Saturday into Tuesday...

... Major ice storm possible late Saturday into Tuesday...

Conditions are becoming increasingly favorable for a major ice storm to develop across southeast Kansas and the western and
central Missouri Ozarks.

This is a direct quote taken from the National Weather Service.
Let me just remind you what it looked like in January when a storm like this came through.

our drive way..
Our Back yard....

Not to mention we had no power for 12 days.... I am praying it turns to snow!!! I just want snow!


Coop said...

I think I can speak for my fellow Wisconsin-ites when I say you can have some of our snow. Not that we don't like it, it's just that we got quite a bit in a short amount of time (by Wisconsin standards, which are not the same as those in the Snow Belt) which can make it tough to deal with.

Anonymous said...

i always love good storms...just not when they do damage like that. ha. i hope you get snow too! :o)