Saturday, November 10, 2007

happy forget me not day!

Today is Forget me not day!!! Just wanted everyone one to know how much I appreciate you. I just thought I would acknowledge a few great people in my life.

My Dad & Leona- I could not ask for better parents they always have solid, godly advice. I love them very much.

My mom- She is my best friend.

My Grandma- I am so blessed to have a godly grandma. I call her with all my crazy life questions. She always knows what to do. She is also a great dancer!

My Pastor & Annette- Wow.....they are amazing! Truly have done so much to make me feel at home here in Springfield. I love them dearly!

Tony & Jaime Sebastian - These people have changed my life. They are great forever friends. They are going to be missionaries to Greece and change the world for Jesus!

Lisa Brown- Lisa was my host mom while I was in Erie Master's commission. She did an amazing job taking care of me. I was just telling someone today about her and what a great mom she is!

Pastor Robby & Amy- They were my youth pastors. I still ask them advice. They are so great.

I have been blessed with amazing people in my life!


Kara said...

Yes! We do need to hang out. I don't have much time for lunch during the week, but would you be interested in coming over to my apartment for dinner? I'll give you a call, so we can actually make plans and not just leave messages! :)

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Hi Wags!! (Or the former Wags.) :) I'm so excited that you have a blog! I love to read about what is going on in my friends lives. Now I have another great blog to read! How is life?? How are things?? Love ya girl, and talk to you soon!! You look great by the're hair is so awesomely long!!