Friday, November 2, 2007

My trip home..

I loved every minute of being home! It was so good for me to be able to go home for a bit. I got to do all the great things I love like hang out with my great friends the Sebastians, go on a shopping spree at Gabes, eat Nicoli's pizza with the amazing Helena, have a venison steak dinner, see a PA fall, hang with my bothers, play lots of Phase 10 with the fam, see some great senior interns in action, walk in crunchy leaves, see Jon Krebs and much much more!!! I wish I could have spent more time with everyone but Eric, Joe Jackson and I will be home for two weeks at Christmas!!!!
Funny thing.....I had to add an extra suite case on my way back filled with only one thing, my stash of Middelsworth chips to last me till Christmas....
Leona is doing great! The doctors called to say there is no cancer!!!! PTL!!! There was only a 10% chance of that....what a miracle!!!


Chrystine said...

Ahhh...I'm so glad you got to go home! Was thinking about you the other day...will miss you at Thanksgiving and Black Friday! sniff, sniff

Anonymous said...

We drove through erie and thought of you.... It was snowy too.. yuck